Saturday, March 12, 2011

GLIK Day 4: Things We've Learned

  1. We learned that when your partner opens 1 club, 50% of the time they have five of them.
  2. We learned that if the opponents have a 2 level fit in a minor, we probably also have a fit and should bid to find out where.
  3. We learned a lot about balancing from Audrey Grant.
  4. We learned several strategies of play from Jerry Helms.
  5. We learned that you don't have to have perfect shape to make a take-out double, that it's okay to have 3 of a major when you double the other major.
  6. We learned that a lot of bridge players with less than 50 points act as though they are playing party bridge; they are very loud.
  7. We learned that a lot of strange people play bridge--on second thought, we already knew that.

It is now time for our first game of the day; stay tuned for results and comments!

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