Thursday, March 10, 2011

GLIK Day 2 continued

I am relieved to report that our evening game was much improved over our afternoon game. However, we did not win the coveted plexiglass trophy or get our picture taken with aforementioned trophy. I told Julie that I will no longer be putting our pictures up on this blog until that occurs. Julie suggested that we casually stroll behind the winners as the flash bulb goes off; she says that people will think that "sometimes they stack winners and just because we're not in the front row doesn't mean we didn't win." So look carefully at the photos in the next Bridge Bulletin.

Following are some Louisville comments:

"She does not respect the game. Because she is loud."

"Regular girls dance on those poles."

"Your director came to Kalamazoo and got stuck in a snowstorm."

"Do you get flooding in Michigan?"

"This isn't a really funny crowd."

That's it for now, time to finish the wine and go to bed so we can get up early to hear Jerry Helms speak. We hope he'll be worth the loss of sleep, since really we should be conserving our energy for THE GAME.

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