Sunday, March 13, 2011


Yes, we have finally placed. Julie agreed to give the 299ers group a try, since the 49ers were giving me a headache. It was like coming home. People were able to make the computer generated hands, were quieter, played at a normal pace, and did things like support their partner's spade opening with 3 card trump support and points.

Here's one hand that we bid and played. Julie opened one diamond; I had 18 high card points and 6 spades, so I bid 2 spades, indicating my points with a jump shift. Julie replied with 3 clubs. Now I had a dilemma: how could I show her my 6 spades while also forcing her to continue bidding? I abandoned the 6 spades notion and decided to force the slam issue with 4 NT. We play 1430, and because this does not come up very often it usually entails a lot of thinking. I watched while Julie frowned and pondered her next bid. The tension built while we all waited. Suddenly Julie slapped down the 6 spades card and said, "I decided to just go for it." Later she confessed, "I knew we were going to slam, but I couldn't remember what to bid so I just hoped spades was the right place to be." It turned out she had 2 spades and I made 7.

Later in the evening we decided to go to the 25th floor to the Rivue Restaurant for drinks. We couldn't remember which tower it was in, so we checked a map that was posted on the wall. I noted that it was in the Rivue Tower; Julie noted that the fact we couldn't make that logical connection was an indication of why we are not A players. Sigh.


  1. Congratulations! We all knew it was just a matter of time before we would see your names in print. It sounds as if you enjoyed yourselves doing the things you're supposed to do - play bridge, drink wine, dance, drink more wine, play bridge, drink still more wine. I'm surprised you are drinking your grape juice instead of guzzling that Kentucky bourbon - that might have made all the difference in your bridge results. Glad to hear that you made it into the winners' circle.

  2. We had a great time! No bourbon, but I did have a vodka martini :)
