Saturday, July 14, 2012

First Game

The Food: For any of you out there who have never worn a badge, let me just give you my thoughts on the food at Dunkin' Donuts. Never order the egg/cheese wrap. That egg comes out of nowhere, all scrambled and in the shape of a rectangle, (let me just saying watching this meal unfold was a very scary experience.) But I ate it. But I'm not ordering it again, no matter how Margaret tries to spin it as a good breakfast with few calories.
Comment: I only suggested that Julie get this "meal" because the description on the menu made it sound quite delicious. However, I am very grateful that she did; I had planned on getting it tomorrow, but instead I'm going to Starbucks.

The People
: We played in the 299 game and it started out a bit rocky. No surprise, since our first opponents were current Stanford students. "You came a long way," we commented. "A collegiate fund paid for our airfare," they replied. And if that wasn't bad enough, the next pair were young men from Harvard. How could we expect to succeed when they let young braniacs play at this level? They should be forced to play at the top levels, no matter how many masterpoints they have.

The Question: If someone is a passed hand and her partner bids 1 heart, what does a 2NT response mean? The opponents were not bidding. Is this simply showing point count, or did the responder re-evaluate her hand and find enough to bid Jacoby 2NT?

The Result: 54.92% and .71 red points


  1. Great start! I know mistakes are easier to
    remember but make sure to go over the positives too.

  2. Nice to see the fun two who we see in GR often, both at the table, and afterwards at local bar.
    So did you See the Barnes ? Beth and I did last night and I am still exhilerated. Hey you two, give us a call today (Saturday) .. I left a message ... maybe we will see you at the table today, but we hope to grab a drink tonight with you.
    Robert T.
