Thursday, April 20, 2017


Distributional hands continue to haunt me. We almost won a knockout round, but didn't because I  misjudged one of these hands from hell. Lee kindly keeps telling me we also would have won if she had done something different on another hand, but I  don't even remember that one anymore. I think she's just  (futilely) trying to stop me from obsessing about this.

Picking up a hand with 6-5 distribution and 2 singletons should be a great thing, right? I can still see it; it was loaded with enough points to give hope, but with enough holes in those points to cruelly dash that hope on the rocks. I went down doubled for a bizillion points, and I  wasn't even vulnerable.

So I  ask you, how can I  know if distribution is good enough to make game? My partner had reluctantly supported me (after originally passing and then going back to my first suit when I  offered up my second suit for her consideration). And my opponents kept taunting me by bidding my singletons' suits. How was I to know that I  should have passed?

It didn't help that the opponents' hands were also distributional.

But really,  help me out here-how much value should I  assign to extreme distribution?

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