Friday, April 2, 2010

Roller Coaster

Exuberance and depression; achievement and failure; cleverness and stupidity; progress and regression:  so it went last week at the bridge club.  After a successful Thursday afternoon and a humbling Friday evening, I told my partner I would no longer play on Fridays since the competition was too tough.  I was almost too embarrassed to even play on Thursdays.

We did play the following Thursday, though, and did quite well.  I decided to continue the roller coaster ride and will play again tonight, Friday.  However, I am blogging today just in case there is another rapid drop and the ensuing headache interferes with my composition.  Unlike most writers, I am much more prolific when things are going well.  (You may have noticed my lack of an entry last week.)

So about yesterday's game:  I used a new bid and was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked.  My partner opened 1 heart.  I had 4 high card points, but 5 hearts with a singleton and doubleton.  I bid 4 hearts, successfully shutting out the opponents--but not before they doubled for penalty.  I nervously watched my partner play the hand, and even though we had a total of 17 HCP, it was starting to look like she would make it.  I held my breath, but that didn't help--we went down one, vulnerable and doubled.  Our opponents tried not to look smug, but I could see they were pleased.  After they left the table, I apologized for my bid but my partner kept saying that she thought it was okay, that they must have had something they could have made.  She was right--we got a top board on that one.  

Years ago a friend tricked me into getting on a roller coaster at Disney by convincing me it was "tame" and I would enjoy it.  It was horrible and I survived only by keeping my eyes tightly shut the entire time.  I only hope that I will not be embarking on another ride tonight.

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