Friday, June 8, 2012

Bridge and Golf

Anyone who has played both golf and bridge can tell you there are many similarities between the two "games".  The first thing is proper fundamentals.  Whenever I am playing bad golf I check my fundamentals:  proper grip, good alignment, and staying in tempo.  The same goes for when I am playing bridge:  proper bidding (no more over calling that moth-eaten five card suit) and good defense (DO NOT underlead an Ace in a suit contract and reasonable declarer play - Do you really need to take that finesse with a singleton?).
The next similarity is playing in the moment.  Forget about that bad board last round or who else is sitting in your direction; focus on things you have control over at that moment.  Don't waste the mental energy of wondering how you are doing, one never really knows until you see the final scores.
Avoid slow play:  There is no doubt some hands take longer to play than others but PLEASE lead before you write on your convention card, put down the dummy before you write on your convention card and if you are behind, save the conversation with your partner for later.
Hopefully these few recommendations will improve both your bridge and golf scores!


  1. Nice comparisons, Mike!
    Sometimes I like to compare playing bridge to dancing, especially the partnership aspect. Anyone else have some comparisons?

  2. Julianne says:
    I don't think you should write Bob off so fast, it is my understanding he does a mean watusi!
